

Deaths by Cause & Age Group

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Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2021, January 15). Deaths by Cause & Age Group.
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Databaase Deaths by Cause & Age Group
Summary Cause of death by age group and ICD International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) Chapter and Sub-chapter
Geographic Coverage States, Counties
Series Begins/Ends 1999 - 2020
Periodicity Annually
Derived From Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Updated Jan. 15, 2021
Estimated next update Sep. 23, 2024

This database reports the number of deaths, crude death rates, and age-adjusted death rates by age group in the U.S., states, and all counties by International Classification of Disease, Version 10 (ICD-10) Chapters and Sub-chapters.   See ICD-10 for complete descriptions of cause of death categories.    


For confidentiality reasons, death totals of less than ten are suppressed and are indicated with an asterisk (*).  Crude death rates and age-adjusted death rates are indicated as unreliable (U) when the death count is less than 20.  NA indicates that data are Not Available, i.e., no data for the requested search criteria were reported by the CDC.

Please enter a state or county.    CSV contains all FIPS codes.    All

Please enter a cause of death.    Enter technical, e.g., spirochaetal, glomerular, or non-technical terms, e.g., cancer, suicide.  See the link to ICD-10 in Additional Background above for more information.    All     CSV

Please enter an age range.    All

Please choose a category.    The Crude Rate is simply the number of deaths divided by the mid-year population; the Age Adjusted Rate reports the number of deaths for a normal or standard population. See Additional Background above for more details.  The Age Adjusted Rate is available only for All ages.    All

 Crude Rate  Deaths  Population

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