

API Background

Category Definition(s)
Tested API (Base) API test result between 200 and 1000. The target for all schools is 800.
Statewide Rank or Similar Schools Rank Similar schools rank indicates decile rank compared to 100 other schools with similar demographic characteristics
9 or 10: Well above average for elementary, middle,or high schools with similar characteristics
7 or 8: Above average for elementary,middle,or high schools with similar characteristics
5 or 6: About average for elementary,middle,or high schools with similar characteristics
3 or 4: Below average for elementary,middle,or high schools with similar characteristics
1 or 2: Well below average for elementary,middle,or high schools with similar characteristics
Similar schools are determined by a number of factors, including ethnicity, mobility, the number of teachers with credentials, socioeconomic status, class size, and other factors. See California Department of Education for more information.
API Growth Target A school's growth target is calculated by taking five percent of the distance between a school's 2001 API and the interim statewide performance target of 800. For any school
with a 2001 API of 781 to 799, the annual growth target is one point. Any school with an API of 800 or more must maintain an API of at least 800. "A" means the school scored at or above the interim Statewide Performance Target of 800.
An 'A' in this field means the school or subgroup scored at or above the statewide performance target of 800, a 'B' means the school is an LEA, and a 'C' means this is a special education school.
API Target The API target is the sum of the most recent API and the growth target, except for schools with a most recent API of 800 or more.
An 'A' in this field means the school or subgroup scored at or above the statewide performance target of 800, a 'B' means the school is an LEA, and a 'C' means this is a special education school.
School Characteristic Index Used to determine similar schools to use in similar schools ranking. See California Department of Education for more information.