

    Birth Fertility Rates Calculation

Category Birth count data Birth rate calculation (Population data from State & County Resident Population by Multi-race/Ethnicity and Age Group) Fertility rate calculation (Population data from State & County Resident Population by Multi-race/Ethnicity and Age Group) Notes
Black Births to Black mothers Equals Births to Black Mothers/Black or African American alone male and female population Equals Black/Black or African American alone female population, age 15-44 can be Hispanic or non-Hispanic Black
White White Births to White mothers Equals Births to White Mothers/White alone male and female population Equals White/White alone female population, ages 15-44 can be Hispanic or non-Hispanic White
Hispanic Births to Hispanic mothers Equals Births to Hispanic Mothers/ Hispanic alone male and female population Equals Hispanic/Hispanic female population, ages 15-44 Includes Hispanic + Any Race alone + male and female; i.e., includes any White and Black Hispanics which are captured in the two formulas directly above
All Races Births to mothers, all races Equals total births/Total male and female population. Equals total births/Total female population, ages 15-44. None
Category Birth count data Birth rate calculation (Population data from State & County Resident Population by Multi-race/Ethnicity and Age Group) Fertility rate calculation (Population data from State & County Resident Population by Multi-race/Ethnicity and Age Group) Notes
Black Births to Black only mothers Equals Black/Black or African American alone male and female population Equals Black/Black or African American alone female population, age 15-44 Can be Hispanic or non-Hispanic Black; excludes Blacks in combination
White Births to White only mothers Equals White/White alone male and female population Equals White/White alone female population, ages 15-44 Can be Hispanic or non-Hispanic White; excludes Whites in combination
Hispanic Births to Hispanic mothers Equals Hispanic/Hispanic male and female population Equals Hispanic/Hispanic female population ages 15-44 Equals Hispanic + Any Race alone + male and female, i.e., includes any White and Black Hispanics which are captured in the two formulas above
American Indian/Alaska Native Births to American Indian and Alaska Native mothers Equals American Indian and Alaska Native/American Indian and Alaska Native alone male and female population Equals American Indian and Alaska Native/American Indian and Alaska Native alone female population, ages 15-44 New category in 2010-2013 only
Asian Births to Asian mothers Equals Asian/Asian alone male and female population Equals Asian/Asian alone female population, ages 15-44 New category in 2010-2013 only
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander Births to Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander mothers Equals Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone male and female population Equals Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone female population, ages 15-44 New category in 2010-2013 only
Two or more races Births to two or more race categories mothers Two or More Races/Two or More Races male and female population Two or More Races/Two or More Races female population, ages 15-44 New category in 2010-2013 only
All races Total births Equals total births/Total male and female population Equals total births/Total female population, ages 15-44 None