

K-12 Pupil-Teacher Ratios

Summary: Public school pupil-teacher ratios based on full-time-equivalent teachers to total student enrollment

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This database provides public school pupil-teacher ratios based on a count of full-time-equivalent teachers to total student enrollment. In some cases, schools may group students or teachers across several schools. Years reported reflect the second year of a traditional academic year, e.g., 2008 reflects the 2007-2008 academic year. 


Note: the data source reports most 2020 values for California counties, school districts, and schools as Not Available (NA). 

Geographic Coverage: City or Other Local Government

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1998 - 2022

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2023, September 19). K-12 Pupil-Teacher Ratios.
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Derived From: National Center for Education Statistics

Updated:  Sep. 19, 2023 Estimated next update: Sep. 19, 2024

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Please enter a county, school district, or school.    <ul>Entering a county lists districts alphabetically, then schools within each district alphabetically. 
United States (average) reflects unweighted average of all states and the District of Columbia.

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