

Law Enforcement Personnel (Archives, 2013-2013)

Summary: Total law enforcement personnel, demographics, duties, salaries, and separation

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The source for this database has not updated it since 2013.  We will update when data become available.


This database contains the number of law enforcement personnel in all reporting jurisdications, personnel demographics and salaries, duties performed (including community policing), and reasons for separation.  It also contains the number of full-time personnel per 1,000 population.  Population figures are reported by the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data.  For a complete data dictionary, see the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics codebook.

Geographic Coverage: City or Other Local Government

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 2013 - 2013

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2016, July 4). Law Enforcement Personnel (Archives, 2013-2013).,-2013-2013).html?dbc=cmFuZF91c2E=&bid=%27Mg==%27
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Derived From: National Archive of Criminal Justice Data

New Database added:  Jul. 04, 2016 Next update: None

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