Name | Taxable Sales (TX only) (Archives, 1984-2001) |
Summary | Number of outlets, sales tax collected, and other categories |
Additional Background | This archived database includes the number of outlets, sales tax collected, and other categories from 1984-2001.
Geographic Coverage | States, Counties |
Periodicity | Quarterly |
Series Begins/Ends | 1984 - 2005 |
Data Source | Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts |
Databaase | Taxable Sales (TX only) (Archives, 1984-2001) |
Summary | Number of outlets, sales tax collected, and other categories |
Geographic Coverage | States, Counties |
Series Begins/Ends | 1984 - 2005 |
Periodicity | Quarterly |
Latest data available | Quater 4, 2001 |