

Adult Parolee Populations (Archives, 1975-2010)

Summary: Number of parolees

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This database reports the number of parolees for each state on December 31st of each year. Numbers do not include parolees in federal facilities. The survey was not conducted in 1991; data for this year were estimated. There are several additional instances where data have been estimated:

  • The 2003 figure for Pennsylvania is estimated due to changes in survey methodology. The initial figure was 102,244.
  • 2006 data and 2007 data for Oklamhoma and Virginia were estimated becuase those states were unable to provide data.
  • Oklahoma also did not provide 2006 data; 2007 data were used to estimate 2006 levels.
  • Virginia did not provide data for 2007 and 2008 data were used to estimate these figures, although it utilized a different methodology which complicates comparing 2007 with 2008 data. 

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1975 - 2010

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2013, February 20). Adult Parolee Populations (Archives, 1975-2010).,-1975-2010).html?dbc=cmFuZF91c2E=&bid=%27Mg==%27
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Derived From: Bureau of Justice Statistics

Updated:  Feb. 20, 2013 Next update: None

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