

Hate Crimes

Summary: Number of hate crime incidents by bias cateogry

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This database reports the number of hate crime incidents by all U.S. law enforcement agencies.  More than 91 percent of agencies participate in the collection of these data.  Incidents for non-reporting agencies are excluded.  

NA indicates that agencies reported no data for the selected category.  A value of zero (0) indicates that 0 was reported explicitly.  The FBI has over time modified some categories.  For example, the FBI began reporting data for Gender and Gender identity in 2013, so all previous years are reported as NA, or Not Available.  Similarly, the FBI has expanded some category definitions over time, e.g., the anti-religious category now includes 14 separate religious, from anti-Jewish to anti-Sikh.  These are reported as NA in years before this expansion. 

Geographic Coverage: U.S., States, Counties, City or Other Local Government

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1991 - 2021

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2023, May 22). Hate Crimes.
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Derived From: Federal Bureau of Investigation

Updated:  May 22, 2023 Estimated next update: Jun. 30, 2024

Please enter a state, county, city, or other reporting agency.    Agencies are ordered alphabetically by state, county, and agencies within counties. Country entries reflect the county's reporting unit (e.g., Sheriff's Office) and do not reflect the aggregate for county agencies. The source document in some cases contains agencies with identical names. These are indicated with (2) following the name. For state totals, enter the state name.   

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