

Housing Prices and Transactions (CA only) (Archives, 2002-2012)

Summary: Number of sales, average sales price, average price per square foot, and average square footage of all homes, condos/townhouses, and single-family homes

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This database reports the number of sales, average sales price, average price per square foot, and average square footage of all homes, condos/townhouses, and single-family homes.  

  • Home sales excludes quitclaims and foreclosures and transactions with no price and no loan
  • Average or median prices exclude multi-property sales, where more than one property was included in a single sale with a single price

  • more

Note: We are no longer able to obtain data from DataQuick News.  As a result, the data series ends in Dec. 2012.  We are seeking to obtain more recent data but do not have any expectations of an update in the near future.

Geographic Coverage: Counties, City or Other Local Government, ZIP Code

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 2002 - 2012

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2013, February 17). Housing Prices and Transactions (CA only) (Archives, 2002-2012).,-2002-2012).html?dbc=cmFuZF9jYWxpZm9ybmlh&bid=%2527MQ==%2527
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Derived From: DataQuick News

Updated:  Feb. 17, 2013 Next update: None

Please enter an area.    Enter a county, city, zip code, or zip code range, (e.g., 90000-94000).   

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 Average price per sq.ft., all homes  Average price per sq.ft., condos/townhouses  Average price per sq.ft., single-family homes
 Average sales price, all homes  Average sales price, condos/townhouses  Average sales price, single-family homes
 Average square footage, all homes  Average square footage, condos/townhouses  Average square footage, single-family homes
 Number of sales, all homes  Number of sales, condos/townhouses  Number of sales, single-family homes

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