

Local Government Finances

Summary: Local government assets, expenditures, revenues

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This database contains financial data reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.  Data are reported for large public agencies every year and every five years (years ending in '2' and '7') for small agencies. A sample of state and local governments is used to collect data in the intervening years, and a new sample is selected every five years (years ending in '4' and '9').


Users of these data are urged to exercise caution since these data are derived from surveys and not from direct reporting. In particular, users should use data obtained directly from these state, county, city/township, special district, and educational establishments when they are available. Data in many years are reported as zero and are not available for all possible combinations of categories, government types, and items.  For detailed category definitions, see U.S. Bureau of the Census


Finally, reported totals reflect the arithmetic sum of categories and consider Not Applicable (NA) and Not Reported (NR) values as 0.  As a result, total values may vary from year to year.

Geographic Coverage: States, Counties, City or Other Local Government

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1995 - 2021

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2022, September 4). Local Government Finances.
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Derived From: U.S. Bureau of the Census

Updated:  Sep. 04, 2022 Estimated next update: Apr. 30, 2024

Please select a government type.   

 Counties  Cities/Townships  Special Districts

Please enter a state or local government.    All

Please select parent category.   

 Expenditure  Revenue  Cash, Debt, Securities
 Net Proceeds

Please enter a category.    Some categories are not available in all years.  We capture these in data revisions, which we perform periodically. Totals reflect the arithmetic sum of parent categories and consider NA values as equal to 0.  As a result, total values may vary from year to year.     All

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