

Medicaid Expenditures

Summary: Medicaid Expenditures by State

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Medicaid Expenditures reports federal and state net Medicaid expenditures for the Medical Assistance Program (MAP).  It excludes any administrative costs.  Federal expenditures in recent years include Federal Expenditures for Medicaid, Federal Expenditures from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or ARRA, and Federal Expenditures for the Balancing Incentive Payments Program, or BIPP.  The category "Federal Expenditures" equals Federal Expenditures (Medicaid) plus Federal Expenditures (ARRA) plus Federal Expenditures (BIPP).  For more information, see

Geographic Coverage: U.S., States

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1997 - 2022

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2024, June 13). Medicaid Expenditures.
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Derived From: Medicaid

New Database added:  Jun. 13, 2024 Estimated next update: Jun. 13, 2025

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Please select a category.    Federal Expenditures (ARRA), Federal Expenditures (BIPP), and Federal Expenditures (Medicaid) available only since 2009.  Some numbers may be negative.    All     CSV

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