

Medicare Expenditures, Enrollment, and Expenditures Per Enrollee (Archives, 1991-2014)

Summary: Medicare Expenditures and Enrollment in U.S. States

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Note: CMS, the data source, no longer updates this database.  As a  result, we have archived this DB.


This database reports Medicare Personal Health Care (PCH) expenditures and component categories.  PHC is expressed as the sum of Hospital Care, Physician & Clinical Services, Other Professional Services, Dental Services, Home Health Care, Prescription Drugs and Other Non-durable Medical Products, Durable Medical Products, Nursing Home Care, and Other Health, Residential, and Personal Care.  This data is measured in calendar years.


Expenditures in this database may not equal those in National Health Expenditures by Type of Service and Source of Funds because the latter is updated annually, while these state-level data are updated every five years. For more information on expenditure categories, see the data source below. 


See Medicare Beneficiaries, Costs, Utilization, & Quality for an updated and more detailed database on Medicare costs.

Geographic Coverage: States

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1991 - 2014

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2018, October 10). Medicare Expenditures, Enrollment, and Expenditures Per Enrollee (Archives, 1991-2014).,-enrollment,-and-expenditures-per-enrollee-(archives,-1991-2014).html?dbc=cmFuZF91c2E=&bid=%27Ng==%27
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Derived From: Health Expenditures by State of Residence, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

Updated:  Oct. 10, 2018 Next update: None

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