

Personal Income

Summary: Personal income, per capita personal income, and personal income by industry sector

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This database includes personal income, per capita personal income, and personal income by industry sector reported in current dollars. Data are not available for all combinations of industry sectors, states and counties.  Data are based on North American Industry Classification System categories (NAICS)

  • Population figures reflect Census Bureau midyear estimates
  • Estimates for 2001 forward reflect the results of the comprehensive revision to the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) released in July 2013

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Geographic Coverage: U.S., States, Counties

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 2001 - 2022

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2024, January 20). Personal Income.
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Derived From: Bureau of Economic Analysis

Updated:  Jan. 20, 2024 Estimated next update: Jul. 20, 2024

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