

Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Status by Age, Gender, Marital Status, & Occupation

Summary: Number or persons obtaining legal permanent status in the U.S. by age group, marital status, occupation, and gender

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This database lists the number or persons obtaining legal permanent status, sometimes called green card holders, in the U.S. by age group, marital status, occupation, and gender by  Fiscal Year (Oct. 1-Sept. 30).  No occupation/not working outside home includes the categories, Homemakers, Students or children, Retirees, and Unemployed.  Additional information on the occupational categories listed is available from the U.S. Bureau of the Census.

Geographic Coverage: U.S.

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1990 - 2021

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2023, December 16). Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Status by Age, Gender, Marital Status, & Occupation.,-gender,-marital-status,---occupation.html?dbc=cmFuZF91c2E=&bid=%27Nw==%27
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Derived From: Department of Homeland Security

Updated:  Dec. 16, 2023 Estimated next update: Sep. 16, 2024

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