Name | Population by Race, Ethnicity, Age & Gender |
Summary | State and county population by race/ethnicity and age group |
Additional Background | This database contains state and county population by race/ethnicity and age group. Race and ethnicity are defined by the Bureau of the Census based on defintions from the Office of Management and Budget. These include:
Estimates reflect the resident population on July 1st of each year. For more information on how these estimates are generated, see Population by Race/Ethnicity and Age Background.
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties |
Periodicity | Annually |
Series Begins/Ends | 2000 - 2022 |
Data Source | U.S. Bureau of the Census |
Databaase | Population by Race, Ethnicity, Age & Gender |
Summary | State and county population by race/ethnicity and age group |
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States, Counties |
Series Begins/Ends | 2000 - 2022 |
Periodicity | Annually |