

Residential Building Permits

Summary: Number of building permits and valuation for new privately-owned residential construction

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This database contains building permits for new privately-owned residential construction. This includes the number of new units and construction valuation. Valuations are expressed in dollars.  The Bureau of the Census associates only one ZIP Code per city or county, even though the city or county may contain multiple ZIP Code. Because of this aggregation, searches for some ZIP Codes may not return data.  Also, the Census Bureau does not report data for all counties, cities, or ZIP Codes.  Finally, some of the data is imputed.  

Geographic Coverage: States, Counties, City or Other Local Government, ZIP Code

Periodicity: Monthly

Series Begins/Ends: 2000 - 2024

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2024, July 4). Residential Building Permits.
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Derived From: Bureau of the Census

Updated:  Jul. 04, 2024 Estimated next update: Aug. 05, 2024

Please enter area or ZIP Code.    The Bureau of the Census associates only one ZIP Code per city or county, even though the city or county may contain multiple ZIP Codes. Because of this aggregation, searches for some ZIP Codes may not return data. If there is no match for a ZIP Code entered, enter the first three numbers of a ZIP Code. Also, the Census Bureau does not report data for all counties, cities, or ZIP Codes.        CSV

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