

School and School District Graduation Rates

Summary: Graduation rates for schools and school districts in all states

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This database reports the total number of students and graduation rates for all students and for these demographic sub-groups: American Indian/Alaska Native, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/ Pacific Islander, Black, Economically Disadvantaged, Hispanic, Limited English Proficiency, Multiracial, White, and Students with Disabilities.  Note that there is no total or all students category provided by the Dept. of Education.  Years refer to the 2nd year of a traditional academic calendar, e.g., 2015 reflects the 2014-2015 academic year.


For additional information about these demographic categories or this database, please see the U.S. Department of Education.  Note that several states, including California, did not report data for 2015.  

Geographic Coverage: U.S., City or Other Local Government

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 2011 - 2021

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2024, March 27). School and School District Graduation Rates.
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Derived From: U.S. Department of Education

New Database added:  Mar. 27, 2024 Estimated next update: Feb. 15, 2025

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