

State Disbursements for Highways (Archives, 1994-2015)

Summary: State disbursements on highways, including capital, maintenance, debt service, administration, enforcement; also includes year-end balances

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This database contains state disbursements by federal fiscal year (Oct. 1-Sept. 30) on highways, including capital, maintenance, debt service, administration, and enforcement.  Data are compiled from reports of state authorities.  Data include year-end balances.



Geographic Coverage: U.S., States

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1994 - 2015

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2017, May 29). State Disbursements for Highways (Archives, 1994-2015).,-1994-2015).html
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Derived From: Federal Highway Administration

Updated:  May 29, 2017 Next update: None

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