

Students with Foreign Born Parents (Archives, 2002-2018)

Summary: Enrollment of students in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education who have foreign-born parents

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This database reports the enrollment of students in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education who have foreign-born parents.  Enrollment numbers are presented in thousands. The 2007 input file contained multiple errors; we have removed these data, which are now indicated as NA.  

Geographic Coverage: U.S.

Periodicity: Biennially

Series Begins/Ends: 2002 - 2017

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2019, November 13). Students with Foreign Born Parents (Archives, 2002-2018).,-2002-2018).html?dbc=cmFuZF91c2E=&bid=%27Mw==%27
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Derived From: United States Census Bureau

Updated:  Nov. 13, 2019 Next update: None

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