

Substance Abuse

Summary: Drug, alcohol, tobacco use and mental health status

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This database reports survey results on the use of illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco and the misuse of prescription drugs, substance use disorder, and substance use treatment conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). It also reports on major depressive episodes and depression care, including psychological distress, mental illness, and mental health care.  Data areported at the U.S., state, and county levels.  

The survey includes persons aged 12 and over in the civilian noninstitutionalized population of the United States, and in each state and the District of Columbia. The survey covers residents of households (including those living in houses, townhouses, apartments, and condominiums), persons in noninstitutional group quarters (including those in shelters, boarding houses, college dormitories, migratory work camps, and halfway houses), and civilians living on military bases. Persons excluded from the survey include people experiencing homelessness who do not use shelters, active military personnel, and residents of institutional group quarters such as jails, nursing homes, mental institutions, and long-term care hospitals.  For additional details, see here.


Note that data are available for 2016 and 2018 only.  Annual data reported reflect a three-year average, i.e., 2016 reflects 2014-2016.

Geographic Coverage: U.S., States, Counties

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 2016 - 2021

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2023, July 12). Substance Abuse.
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Derived From: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

New Database added:  Jul. 12, 2023 Estimated next update: Jul. 12, 2024

Please choose a state or county.    County data are available only in 2016 and 2018 due to methodological concerns raised by the source.    

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Please choose a time period.   Data reported reflect a three-year average. For example, 2016 reflects the average of 2016-2018.   

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