

U.S. Transportation Vehicles (Archives, 1960-2017)

Summary: U.S. aircraft, vehicles, and other conveyances

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This database includes the number of U.S. aircraft, vehicles, vessels and other conveyances, such as transit, rail, and water vehicles. Note that the U.S. DOT used a new methodology for categories from 2007-2015.  As a result, data for these years are not comparable to previous years. The new category Light duty vehicle, short wheel base replaces the old category Passenger car and includes passenger cars, light trucks, vans and sport utility vehicles with a wheelbase (WB) equal to or less than 121 inches. The new category Light duty vehicle, long wheel base replaces Other 2-axle, 4-tire vehicle and includes large passenger cars, vans, pickup trucks, and sport/utility vehicles with wheelbases (WB) larger than 121 inches.  For additional details, see the Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Geographic Coverage: U.S.

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1960, 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985 - 2017

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2020, April 15). U.S. Transportation Vehicles (Archives, 1960-2017).,-1960-2017).html
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Derived From: National Transportation Statistics, United States Department of Transportation.

Updated:  Apr. 15, 2020 Next update: None

Please enter a category.    Not all categories are available in all years, including 2017.  Also note that the data provider has changed some category definitions.  See Additional Background above.    All

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