Name | Average Electricity Retail Prices |
Summary | Average electricity retail prices by sector |
Additional Background | This database contains average electricity retail prices by sector, i.e., residential, commercial, industrial, transportation, other, and all sectors.
In 2004, the category “other” (collected from 1990-2002) was replaced by transportation (collected since 2003), and the categories commercial and industrial were redefined. Beginning in 2000, figures also include energy service providers selling to retail customers. Customer counts are available starting in 2007.
Data reflect a census of electric utilities, represent revenue from electricity retail sales divided by the amount of retail electricity sold (in kilowatt-hours), and are reported in cents per kilowatt-hour. Prices include state and local taxes, energy or demand charges, customer service charges, environmental surcharges, franchise fees, fuel adjustments, and other miscellaneous charges applied to end-use customers during normal billing operations. However, prices do not include deferred charges, credits, or other adjustments, such as fuel or revenue from purchased power, from previous reporting periods. Some recent data are reported as preliminary.
Geographic Coverage | U.S., States |
Periodicity | Monthly |
Series Begins/Ends | 1990 - 2024 |
Data Source | U.S. Energy Information Administration |