

Drug-Related Deaths (Archives, 1999-2006)

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Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2013, February 21). Drug-Related Deaths (Archives, 1999-2006).,-1999-2006).html?bid=%27Nw%3D%3D%27&dbc=cmFuZF91c2E%3D
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Databaase Drug-Related Deaths (Archives, 1999-2006)
Summary Drug-related deaths grouped by adult (age 20 and over) and youth (age 19 and under)
Geographic Coverage U.S., States
Series Begins/Ends 1999 - 2006
Periodicity Annually
Derived From National Center for Health Statistics
Updated Feb. 21, 2013
Next update None

This database contains state-level data on drug-related deaths grouped by adult (age 20 and over) and youth (age 19 and under). Data are not available for all possible combinations of gender and cause of death categories.  Deaths to foreign residents and residents who died abroad are excluded. For detail on causes of death categories, see ICD-10 reference. See drug definitions for details of the drug-related death categories listed below.

Please enter a state.    All

Please enter a cause of death.    Underlying cause-of-death is selected from conditions entered by the physician on the cause of death section of the death certificate.  The cause of death is defined as the initiating event leading directly to death, or the circumstance which produced the fatal injury. When more than one cause or condition is entered by the physician, the underlying cause is determined by the sequence of conditions on the certificate, and associated selection rules and modifications.    All

Please choose a category.    All

 Adult number of deaths  Adult rate per 1,000 persons  Adult total
 Youth number of deaths  Youth rate per 1,000 persons  Youth total

Please choose a gender.    All

 Total  Male  Female

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