

State and Local Government Employment and Payroll

Summary: State and local government employment, payroll, wages, and averages

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This database reports state and local civilian government employees and their gross monthly payroll based on surveys from the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Those surveys are conducted in March for state and local governments. Data are provided on full-time and part-time employment, part-time hours worked, full-time equivalent employment, and payroll statistics by governmental function.  Some data are imputed.  Data are not collected in every year.


Data are not available for all local areas. There is no detail available for full-time or part-time employee payrolls. Three functions apply only to the Federal Government and have no counterpart at the state and local government levels: national defense and international relations, postal service, and space research and technology. For more information, see U.S. Census Bureau.

Geographic Coverage: States, Counties, City or Other Local Government

Periodicity: Annually

Series Begins/Ends: 1997 - 2022

Source (APA): RAND State Statistics. (2024, March 6). State and Local Government Employment and Payroll.
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Derived From: U.S. Bureau of the Census

Updated:  Mar. 06, 2024 Estimated next update: Sep. 16, 2024

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 Special Districts  School Districts

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Please enter a category.    Data are not available for for special districts or school districts for categories containing per 1,000 population because population data for these areas are unavailable. 2021 data are calculated using 2020 population for states, counties, and cities.    All     CSV

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